As part of liver cancer awareness month, we are highlighting the updated guidance for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) which can be used by liver services in the UK.
The early diagnosis of liver cancer programme was established through NHSE to support the detection of HCC at an early stage so patients can benefit from curative treatment and to ensure people at high risk of HCC are referred and continue to engage with liver surveillance pathways.
The HCC surveillance: minimum standards sets out the minimum requirements to deliver quality surveillance for patients at risk of HCC. It supports hepatology, gastroenterology and radiology services in tailoring pathways for HCC surveillance, based on their patient populations.
The HCC: delivering quality ultrasound surveillance document sets out the guidance to imaging departments for delivering high quality ultrasound (US) surveillance for patients at risk of HCC. It provides direction on how imaging services should deliver HCC US surveillance with a focus on service delivery .